
Publication Design

Copywriting & typesetting

Website design


Videography & Editing
The purpose of ‘Stick It Up’ is to gain an insight into other people, artists, and designers through ‘sticker graffiti’. It is an in-depth investigation into how a temporary artefact such as a sticker can create impact and draw attention to ignored spaces. Furthermore, as stickers are inherently a temporary piece of design, the relevance of this towards the subject of design is explored. Questions are asked such as: in an ‘over-population’ of design and within the fast-paced environment of a constantly moving audience, how do these short-lived artefacts create (or do not create) impact? As a piece of design that may not be observed, or not made to be observed, how do stickers impact the environment of Melbourne and reflect design? The publication, and my own reflection, aims to answer or at least further the conversation on these questions.

The stickers featured in the publication are collected from the public walls of Melbourne City. The publication investigates why people use stickers (to promote, to share art, in rebellion of advertising, for activism) and how stickers function in an urban environment. Additionally, the publication immortalises and shares these temporary artefacts of design to an audience that may not have noticed these artefacts amongst the bustle of the urban environment. The publication also explores how these marks fill spaces, fade from spaces, and are covered up by other artefacts of design.

Kira Johnstone

Graphic Designer based in
Melbourne, Victoria.