Working Our Wall: Grad Show

Motion & Animation
Content Creation
Project Management

Theme: Birds & Fish / Sky & Sea

In designing the RMIT Communication Design Graduate Showcase of 2022, we were tasked with exploring the physical, visual, and emotional requirements of conceptualizing and developing the show. We had the opportunity to experiment and create unique design solutions that engaged the CD graduates, industry professionals, and City of Melbourne audiences. To make the graduate showcase accessible to anyone passing through the public laneway, it was imperative to explore the possibilities of the space in a way that was appropriate to audiences who did not share our perspective and understanding of Communication Design.

Our goal was to come up with an engaging and creative design solution for the RMIT 2022 Communication Design Graduate Show. We were challenged to create something for a large, dynamic audience. As a result of the branding team's effort, we were able to produce artefacts that reflected the styles of Flock Off.

My team focused on the motion and social media aspects of the grad show. We followed the guidelines laid out by the brand identity team and presented a collection of images, animations and gifs, and miscellaneous content for the grad show. These artefacts could be used across all platforms of screen and print media and assisted in creating a cohesive identity across the show.

︎ flockoffrmit2022

Kira Johnstone

Graphic Designer based in
Melbourne, Victoria.